

- January 25, 2024

Did you know this interesting tale from the Ramayana?

During his exile, Rama once saw Agni, the fire god, in his dream. Agni told him that Ravana would carry Sita away, and it was Rama’s destiny to kill the evil asura king. He had a plan to keep Sita safe by replacing her with a phantom Sita. Without anyone’s knowledge, Sita entered the fire and was replaced by Mayasita. The unsuspecting Ravana carried Mayasita away. When the war was over, Agni returned the real Sita to Rama.

Illustration: Prakash Sivan

Mayasita, now abandoned by Rama, was at a loss. Rama and Agni told her to practice penance. So, she prayed to Shiva and, pleased by her devotion, he appeared before her. In her desire for a husband, Mayasita said “give me a husband” five times. Shiva granted her a boon, and said that in her next birth she would have five husbands. Thus, emerging from the fire one more time, Mayasita, born as Draupadi, got the five Pandavas as her husband.

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Comic of The Month

Dr Kotnis in China

In 1938, twenty-eight-year-old Dr Dwarkanath Kotnis was part of a medical mission that India sent to aid China in its war with Japan. Dr Kotnis was committed to saving lives, even in the precarious war-time situation. He remained behind to continue his work in China after the rest of his group returned. He was, and remains, a selfless and fearless hero to the people of China and India alike. 

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