
- April 12, 2024

Yubee-Lakpee literally means ‘coconut-snatching’, which is a high-energy Manipuri game.

Illustration: Sanjhiya Mayekar

In Manipur, able-bodied young men clutch a large coconut, its husk oiled thoroughly, and dodge other players to reach the goal. Yubee-Lakpee is almost like rugby in its roughness but definitely more difficult. Even the bodies of the players are greased! Each team has seven players and the aim is to get the coconut and hold it close in front of the chest while running and dodging the others.

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Comic of The Month

Rabindranath Tagore

He rejected formal education and yet began a world-famous university. His poems were mocked for their colloquiol language but they were adopted as anthems by two countries. Bengali society despaired of him until he was awarded the coveted Nobel Prize for Literature and a knighthood. Rabindranath Tagore, whose multi-faceted life was as fascinating as it is inspiring, lived on in his books, his music and his thought-provoking, unconventional ideals.

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