Hungry Jackal

The Hungry Jackal

- May 4, 2020

There once was a hungry jackal named Gomaya who had not eaten for many days. As he wandered the forest in search of food, he came upon an old battlefield. Suddenly, Gomaya started to hear the scariest of sounds. “Whirrrr!’ “Whoooosh!” “Booooooof!”

Gomaya decided to run away before he got attacked and took off, the scary sounds chasing after him!

Illustration: Jeffrey Fowler

As Gomaya ran, he thought to himself, “Why am I running? What if it’s nothing?” So he crept back, trying to be brave.

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To his astonishment, the terrible sounds were coming from a harmless, old war drum. The low branches of a nearby tree were swishing against it, making the racket. Near the drum was plenty of food lying around as well. Gomaya thanked his lucky stars that he didn’t let the old war drum scare him off!

“What a fool I’d have been if I’d let a silly old war drum cheat me out of all this delicious food!”

So you see, fear of the unknown brings no gain!

Read more stories like this in Amar Chitra Katha’s ‘The Jackal and the Wardrum’, available on the Amar Chitra Katha app as well as Amazon, Flipkart, and other major e-tailers.

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Comic of The Month

Dr Kotnis in China

In 1938, twenty-eight-year-old Dr Dwarkanath Kotnis was part of a medical mission that India sent to aid China in its war with Japan. Dr Kotnis was committed to saving lives, even in the precarious war-time situation. He remained behind to continue his work in China after the rest of his group returned. He was, and remains, a selfless and fearless hero to the people of China and India alike. 

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