Where Do The Gods Dwell?

- October 16, 2020

Illustration: Sanjhiya Mayekar

In the Puranas, there are different descriptions of where the gods live. According to the Devi Bhagavata, the mighty creator Brahma lives in Manovati on the mountain Mahameru surrounded by nine towns belonging to different gods which are as follows.

  • Indra, the god of heaven, lives in Amaravati.
  • Feared by many, the god of death, Yama, resides in Samyamani.
  • Krishnanjana is the home town of the goddess of deathly hidden realms and sorrows, Nirrti.
  • Shiva, the destroyer, dwells in Yasovati.
  • Sraddhavati belongs to Varuna, the ruler of the sky.
  • Agni, the god of fire, inhabits in Rajivati.
  • The god of the wind, Vayu, abides in the town of Gandhavati.
  • Mahodaya is the town of Kubera, the god of wealth.

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