Lava and Kusha

- February 14, 2024

Did you know the legend behind how Lava and Kusha, Sita and Rama’s twin sons, were named?

Lava and Kusha
Illustration: Sanjhiya Mayekar

The Uttara Kand in Valmiki’s Ramayana tells us the story of the twins’ naming. When Sita gave birth to her sons in Valmiki’s ashram, the other sages asked Valmiki to protect them from evil spirits, as was the custom in those days.

Valmiki then took Kusha grass and cut (lava) it into two parts. He then instructed that the elder child be cleaned with the upper part and be named Kusha, and the younger child be cleaned with the lower part and be called Lava. That is how Lava and Kusha got their names.

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Comic of The Month

Dr Kotnis in China

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